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Friday, August 5, 2011

Shabbat Chazon


The Kaballah teaches us that during the entire month of Tammuz, we're meant to work on our sense of vision. Tonight is the Shabat before Tisha B'Av, which is called "Shabat Chazon," the "Shabat of Vision." It is named after the Haftorah, which is about the vision of the Prophet Isaiah of the destruction of the Second Temple. On a more positive note, Rabbi Levi Yitzchak of Berditschek states that on this Shabat every Jew has a vision of the Third Temple, that will be rebuilt. Even though very few actually can see this vision, the Rebbe explains that even if we don't see it, our soul does, and it has a big impact on us nonetheless.
It is important to work on our sense of vision, so that in everything we see, including ourselves, we see a potential "Temple." After all, the whole idea behind Creation is to make each one of us, and the entire world, into a Temple, a dwelling place for God.
Ultimately, that is the idea of our site, "Modern Jewish Home." To bring meaning and to beautify our world, starting with our own homes and with our own souls. If we realize that each one of us is a home, a place for God, we can rebuild this world into a much more just, more spiritual, and more beautiful place... the way it was supposed to be from the very beginning.