In honor of Shmuel ben Baruch (Samuel Wainer), a true "disciple of Abraham," whose yahrzeit is today.
This week's portion describes the efforts of Balak and Bilaam to prevent the people of Israel from entering the promised land. The Shem M'Shmuel states that Balak and Bilaam were also trying to undue all of what Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob had accomplished.
If we look closely at the events that take place, we see that the parallels are quite strong: God promises Abraham that whoever blesses him will be blessed. Balak tells Bilaam that whoever he curses will be cursed. Abraham rose early in the morning and saddled his donkey in order to set an altar to sacrifice what he believed would be his sond. Bilaam saddles his donkey (a mule, to be exact) to travel to Balak and set up various different altars in an attempt to coerce God into allowing Bilaam to curse the Jewish people.
This parallel is also mentioned explicitly in Pirkei Avot, Chapter 5, verse 19: "Whoever possessess the following three traits is of the disciples of Abraham our father; and the three opposite traits, is of the disciples of Bilaam the wicked. Abraham's disciples possess a good (generous) eye, a humble spirit, and a meek soul. The disciples of the wicked Bilaam posess an evil eye, an arrogant spirit, and a greedy soul." (I just recently came across a lengthier description of the contrast between Avraham and Bilaam here).
God gives us the free will to decide what path to choose: Abraham's or Bilaam's. He might send "messengers" ("malachim," also translated as "angels") on the way, but at the end of the day the choice is ours. As Rabbi Manis Friedman states in his book "Why Doesn't Anybody Blush Anymore?" (available here), people often try to be holy despite God. That is not the idea. We have to humble ourselves like Abraham, and understand that we are here to serve.
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Thursday, June 24, 2010
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Chukat: Beyond Understanding
This week's Torah reading begins with a discussion of the laws related to the Red Heifer. These laws are the quintessential "Chok" - a Torah statute that is beyond our comprehension. Other commandments make sense to us, either initially (Mishpatim, eg. "Thou Shalt Not Murder") or once we start performing them (Edut, eg. Keeping the Sabbath).
Although there are these 3 different categories of laws, it is important to realize that none of the commandments actually fall neatly into any of them. Are contain aspects of all three. Even regarding the Red Heifer, there are aspects of the laws that we can comprehend (such as the connection to the sin of the golden calf), and even regarding murder we have to perform the commandment against it simply because God told us so. Otherwise, we might come to rationalizations as to why to permit it. Too many tragedies have taken place because of such thinking, some even brought about by people that claim to be religious.
To be truly religious is to realize that, as much as we'd like to think otherwise, we are quite limited. Yet, while realizing our limitations we have the chance to connect to God and to his infinite wisdom. We have a chance to be part of His plan, and, as Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel once put it, be "a contemporary of God."
Although there are these 3 different categories of laws, it is important to realize that none of the commandments actually fall neatly into any of them. Are contain aspects of all three. Even regarding the Red Heifer, there are aspects of the laws that we can comprehend (such as the connection to the sin of the golden calf), and even regarding murder we have to perform the commandment against it simply because God told us so. Otherwise, we might come to rationalizations as to why to permit it. Too many tragedies have taken place because of such thinking, some even brought about by people that claim to be religious.
To be truly religious is to realize that, as much as we'd like to think otherwise, we are quite limited. Yet, while realizing our limitations we have the chance to connect to God and to his infinite wisdom. We have a chance to be part of His plan, and, as Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel once put it, be "a contemporary of God."
Monday, June 7, 2010
Flotilla Facts - Enough of the Misleading Media Nonsense
Israel transfers about 15,000 tons of supplies and humanitarian aid every week to the people of Gaza.
Lawyers representing the family of Gilad Shalit, the kidnapped Israeli soldier held in isolation, had asked the protestors to take aid for him, they refused.
Israel offered the ship to dock in Ashdod port and they would transfer the aid to Gaza. This offer was made again and again - they refused.
Israel has said that it will deliver any humanitarian aid that was in the boats to Gaza, as it does daily.
Israel left Gaza in hopes of peace in 2005 and in return received more than 10,000 rockets and terrorist attacks. Israel has sought peace and compromise with its neighbors for all of its 62 years and it will continue to do so.
Israel maintains a maritime blockade to ensure that weapons are not brought in by Hamas to use in attacks against Israel. "We fully intend to go to Gaza regardless of any intimidation or threats of violence against us, they are going to have to forcefully stop us," said one of the flotilla’s organizers.
In the past, terrorist sympathizers have used aid deliveries to smuggle items like potassium nitrate in sugar sacks and used it to make bombs. Israel cannot afford to let goods get to Hamas unchecked.
Five boats were boarded, the protestors complied and they were safely let to shore.
One boat – the Mavi Marmara – did not comply. That is the boat where the violence took place.
This was meant to provoke – it was funded and organized by a Turkish Islamist organization (IHH) that has links to fundamentalist jihadi groups. The ship was flying under the Turkish flag.
Those on board carried out pre-planned violence, armed with knives and metal bars, each soldier being attacked by a mob of a dozen extremists. They threw one soldier off the top deck of the ship.
The Israeli government maintains that allowing the illegal flotilla to reach Hamas would have opened a corridor of smuggling of weapons to Gaza and resulting in civilian deaths.
Using the Arabic term ‘intifada,’ Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri said "We call on all Arabs and Muslims to rise up in front of Zionist embassies across the whole world.
As the flotilla made its way to meet him in Gaza, Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh said this week: "If the ships reach Gaza it is a victory; if they are intercepted, it will be a victory too".
Turkey permitted the Marmara to fly under its flag. Turkey knew that the IHH (Turkish Humanitarian Relief Foundation) had organized the Flotilla, and supports the genocidal terrorist organization Hamas, several Jihadist organizations in Bosnia, Syria, Iraq, Libya, and elsewhere, and has ties with Al Qaeda. But Turkey did not prevent the Flotilla from disembarking and attacking Israel’s sovereign right to protect itself from terrorists attempting to enter Gaza. Now Turkey is condemning Israel for the unfortunate casualties, and is leading the charge to condemn Israel at the U.N. It is Turkey that should be condemned by the United Nations for its role in this brutal trap set for Israelis.
Hamas is responsible for the suffering of both Palestinians and Israelis. Their racist charter calls for Islamic domination; their stance is unchanged and they repress any Palestinians that try and counter their regime.
Any police force in the world would respond to aggression; the provocation is the reason for this regrettable outcome. No country would allow illegal entry of any vessel into their waters without a security check.
Is the blockade lawful?
The usual nonsense about International Law is being posted all over the internet in relation to Israel’s enforcement of the naval blockade of Gaza.
Here are a few points of Law to give you some background (it’s all taken from “The Commander’s Handbook on the Law Of Naval Operations” (US Department of Defense, 1 Jul 2007).
“The belligerent right of blockade is intended to prevent vessels and aircraft, regardless of their cargo, from crossing an established and publicized cordon separating the enemy from international waters and/or airspace.” (Section 7.7.1.)
“Attempted breach of blockade occurs from the time a vessel or aircraft leaves a port or airfield with the intention of evading the blockade, and for vessels exiting the blockaded area, continues until the voyage is completed.” (Section 7.7.4.)
“Neutral vessels and aircraft engaged in the carriage of qualifying relief supplies for the civilian population and the sick and wounded should be authorized to pass through the blockade cordon, subject to the right of the blockading force to prescribe the technical arrangements, including search, under which passage is permitted.” (Section 7.7.3.)
“Neutral merchant vessels and civil aircraft are liable to capture by belligerent warships and military aircraft if engaged in any of the following activities:
- Resisting visit and search
- Carrying contraband
- Breaching or attempting to breach blockade
- Violating regulations established by a belligerent within the immediate area of naval operations…
Neutral vessels or aircraft attempting to resist proper capture lay themselves open to forcible measures by belligerent warships and military aircraft and assume all risk of resulting damage.” (Section 7.10)
From World WIZO
Lawyers representing the family of Gilad Shalit, the kidnapped Israeli soldier held in isolation, had asked the protestors to take aid for him, they refused.
Israel offered the ship to dock in Ashdod port and they would transfer the aid to Gaza. This offer was made again and again - they refused.
Israel has said that it will deliver any humanitarian aid that was in the boats to Gaza, as it does daily.
Israel left Gaza in hopes of peace in 2005 and in return received more than 10,000 rockets and terrorist attacks. Israel has sought peace and compromise with its neighbors for all of its 62 years and it will continue to do so.
Israel maintains a maritime blockade to ensure that weapons are not brought in by Hamas to use in attacks against Israel. "We fully intend to go to Gaza regardless of any intimidation or threats of violence against us, they are going to have to forcefully stop us," said one of the flotilla’s organizers.
In the past, terrorist sympathizers have used aid deliveries to smuggle items like potassium nitrate in sugar sacks and used it to make bombs. Israel cannot afford to let goods get to Hamas unchecked.
Five boats were boarded, the protestors complied and they were safely let to shore.
One boat – the Mavi Marmara – did not comply. That is the boat where the violence took place.
This was meant to provoke – it was funded and organized by a Turkish Islamist organization (IHH) that has links to fundamentalist jihadi groups. The ship was flying under the Turkish flag.
Those on board carried out pre-planned violence, armed with knives and metal bars, each soldier being attacked by a mob of a dozen extremists. They threw one soldier off the top deck of the ship.
The Israeli government maintains that allowing the illegal flotilla to reach Hamas would have opened a corridor of smuggling of weapons to Gaza and resulting in civilian deaths.
Using the Arabic term ‘intifada,’ Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri said "We call on all Arabs and Muslims to rise up in front of Zionist embassies across the whole world.
As the flotilla made its way to meet him in Gaza, Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh said this week: "If the ships reach Gaza it is a victory; if they are intercepted, it will be a victory too".
Turkey permitted the Marmara to fly under its flag. Turkey knew that the IHH (Turkish Humanitarian Relief Foundation) had organized the Flotilla, and supports the genocidal terrorist organization Hamas, several Jihadist organizations in Bosnia, Syria, Iraq, Libya, and elsewhere, and has ties with Al Qaeda. But Turkey did not prevent the Flotilla from disembarking and attacking Israel’s sovereign right to protect itself from terrorists attempting to enter Gaza. Now Turkey is condemning Israel for the unfortunate casualties, and is leading the charge to condemn Israel at the U.N. It is Turkey that should be condemned by the United Nations for its role in this brutal trap set for Israelis.
Hamas is responsible for the suffering of both Palestinians and Israelis. Their racist charter calls for Islamic domination; their stance is unchanged and they repress any Palestinians that try and counter their regime.
Any police force in the world would respond to aggression; the provocation is the reason for this regrettable outcome. No country would allow illegal entry of any vessel into their waters without a security check.
Is the blockade lawful?
The usual nonsense about International Law is being posted all over the internet in relation to Israel’s enforcement of the naval blockade of Gaza.
Here are a few points of Law to give you some background (it’s all taken from “The Commander’s Handbook on the Law Of Naval Operations” (US Department of Defense, 1 Jul 2007).
“The belligerent right of blockade is intended to prevent vessels and aircraft, regardless of their cargo, from crossing an established and publicized cordon separating the enemy from international waters and/or airspace.” (Section 7.7.1.)
“Attempted breach of blockade occurs from the time a vessel or aircraft leaves a port or airfield with the intention of evading the blockade, and for vessels exiting the blockaded area, continues until the voyage is completed.” (Section 7.7.4.)
“Neutral vessels and aircraft engaged in the carriage of qualifying relief supplies for the civilian population and the sick and wounded should be authorized to pass through the blockade cordon, subject to the right of the blockading force to prescribe the technical arrangements, including search, under which passage is permitted.” (Section 7.7.3.)
“Neutral merchant vessels and civil aircraft are liable to capture by belligerent warships and military aircraft if engaged in any of the following activities:
- Resisting visit and search
- Carrying contraband
- Breaching or attempting to breach blockade
- Violating regulations established by a belligerent within the immediate area of naval operations…
Neutral vessels or aircraft attempting to resist proper capture lay themselves open to forcible measures by belligerent warships and military aircraft and assume all risk of resulting damage.” (Section 7.10)
From World WIZO
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Shlach: Sending Messengers
Dedicated to Erez Lieberman-Aiden, upon the completion of his PhD.
In this week's portion, the people of Israel face one of the most difficult challenges yet. Moses sends messengers into the Land of Israel in order to bring back a report on the land and its inhabitants. The consequences are disastrous: 10 out of the 12 men come back with a negative report, defying the man who sent them (Moses), and stating that the land could not be conquered at all (apparently, not even by God). They say that the men in the land were like giants and they the spies were like grasshoppers in their eyes. (How they could have known what they looked like in the eyes of the others is also a good question). Furthermore, the 10 men also blaspheme the land, saying that it "consumed its inhabitants." The people get swayed by this account, and cry. Hashem responds with what is apparently quite a severe punishment: 40 more years in the desert.
The Lubavitcher Rebbe explains that the real problem here was that those messengers that came back with a negative report had another motivation: they were quite happy with the spiritual life being led in the desert. They did not want to be "consumed" by the physicality of the land. Here they were receiving bread from Heaven (the mannah), being taught Torah by Moses himself, all their basic needs taken care of, what else could they want? Why give up such spiritual bliss to enter a land in which one would have to sweat hard not only to conquer the land, but then to farm it, harvest it, etc?
The answer, of course, is that this was Hashem's will. God's desire is that the world be inhabited and that physicality be engaged with and elevated by human beings. If He wanted the world to be mainly spiritual, He could have given it to the angels instead. By punishing the people by leading them another 40 years in the desert, God was giving the people what they wanted. It took a whole new generation to be born so that we could enter the Land of Israel with the right perspective.
Recently, a friend of mine, a deeply religious Jew, received a very prestigious award for his extremely important and innovative scientific work. (For more info on this, click here) He is a living example of someone who is not satisfied in only learning Torah and living a spiritual life, but also wants to elevate his environment and change the world for the better.
At the time he received this reward, he gave a brief explanation as to the key to his success - mentorship: "One of the most powerful things a mentor can do is to point you to things you're good at and give you productive ways to use those skills; it's also crucial that they encourage you to seek out areas outside of your comfort zone."
The mistake made by the spies (and those that followed them) was that they gave up their relationship with their mentor, to the man that hand sent them on their mission in the first place. They decided to remain enslaved to their comfort zone.
My friend also stated: "One of the greatest lessons I apply to my work and share with my own mentees is that from big mistakes, you learn the ingredients for big successes."
May we all learn from the big mistake we made as a people, and may the lessons learned by the ingredients to our big success, as we break through all our perceived limitations, and greet the coming of Mashiach.
In this week's portion, the people of Israel face one of the most difficult challenges yet. Moses sends messengers into the Land of Israel in order to bring back a report on the land and its inhabitants. The consequences are disastrous: 10 out of the 12 men come back with a negative report, defying the man who sent them (Moses), and stating that the land could not be conquered at all (apparently, not even by God). They say that the men in the land were like giants and they the spies were like grasshoppers in their eyes. (How they could have known what they looked like in the eyes of the others is also a good question). Furthermore, the 10 men also blaspheme the land, saying that it "consumed its inhabitants." The people get swayed by this account, and cry. Hashem responds with what is apparently quite a severe punishment: 40 more years in the desert.
The Lubavitcher Rebbe explains that the real problem here was that those messengers that came back with a negative report had another motivation: they were quite happy with the spiritual life being led in the desert. They did not want to be "consumed" by the physicality of the land. Here they were receiving bread from Heaven (the mannah), being taught Torah by Moses himself, all their basic needs taken care of, what else could they want? Why give up such spiritual bliss to enter a land in which one would have to sweat hard not only to conquer the land, but then to farm it, harvest it, etc?
The answer, of course, is that this was Hashem's will. God's desire is that the world be inhabited and that physicality be engaged with and elevated by human beings. If He wanted the world to be mainly spiritual, He could have given it to the angels instead. By punishing the people by leading them another 40 years in the desert, God was giving the people what they wanted. It took a whole new generation to be born so that we could enter the Land of Israel with the right perspective.
Recently, a friend of mine, a deeply religious Jew, received a very prestigious award for his extremely important and innovative scientific work. (For more info on this, click here) He is a living example of someone who is not satisfied in only learning Torah and living a spiritual life, but also wants to elevate his environment and change the world for the better.
At the time he received this reward, he gave a brief explanation as to the key to his success - mentorship: "One of the most powerful things a mentor can do is to point you to things you're good at and give you productive ways to use those skills; it's also crucial that they encourage you to seek out areas outside of your comfort zone."
The mistake made by the spies (and those that followed them) was that they gave up their relationship with their mentor, to the man that hand sent them on their mission in the first place. They decided to remain enslaved to their comfort zone.
My friend also stated: "One of the greatest lessons I apply to my work and share with my own mentees is that from big mistakes, you learn the ingredients for big successes."
May we all learn from the big mistake we made as a people, and may the lessons learned by the ingredients to our big success, as we break through all our perceived limitations, and greet the coming of Mashiach.
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